Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Kid's Summer Soundtrack

So I have no clue right now what is current in the world of music. I just got back from a vacation where it was 12 hours there and 12 hours back in a car. Did we listen to "adult" music. No. Why you may ask? Because we listened to what our children would enjoy. Now it was not strait kids music, there was some kids movies mixed int that with our handy DVD player, but still, I have no clue what is current these days. Do I miss it? in all honesty, no! There is some great kids music out there, and what is more enjoyable then having your kids singing along and happy in the back seat. Here are some of our current favorites, in no particular order. Most of these have been found browsing the Children's Music section of the local library. I love that place!

We love this guy! All his music!

Ziggy Marley
Family Time
He is the son of Bob Marley. I actually really enjoy this CD myself.
Field Trip
This is a group of elementary school teachers. There music is geared more toward Elementary aged kids, but my 4 year old sill likes them. Especially the Marshmallow Farm song.

I Love My Shoes
He has written some pretty funny songs. Lunch Money
They are very easy to listen too. Indy Rock type. It almost sounds as if it is not a children's CD, but you know it is by the lyrics. I am tempted to buy there Cd's. We have had the library copy for a month or so now. I think we have hit our last renewal. Time to return it I guess. I think they may be one of my favorite finds.

Go to your local library and check them out or find something that looks interesting. You may be quite pleased with what you find. And if you don't like it, you can always return it. We have had our fair share of busts too. You can also click on the links. It will take you to their personal website. What children's music are you enjoying right now?

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