Monday, September 13, 2010

My Top 10

This week we are talking movies and since I would rather watch a movie then review one I figured I would just give you my top 10 all time favorite flicks.  You can then go check them out and let me know what you think.  Here they are...and in no special order because how do you even compare an action adventure movie with a cutie cartoon.



Those are them. Are any of these on your list?  Which ones am I missing? 


  1. I like all of those...except I haven't seen inception. And I just barely watched X-men for the first time.

  2. I knew this was your post even before looking at your name! Biggest clue?
    X-Men of course! My all-time favorite is still West Side Story - more for the music, I think. Dad can't handle the "dancing" tough guys. :o)

  3. I think that list is almost exactly the same as mine except I would trade penelope for the incredibles. well done Jenni! although return to me is a very close call as well.

  4. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Oklahoma, Twelve Angry Men, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Far and Away, my kids love Avatar Cartoon series, so many. I do love The Secret Garden in the book more than the movie, but it's still pretty good. I gotta go rent Penelope again!
