Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday is Good for the Soul

Photo taken on our trip to Nauvoo, Illinois in 2005.
Just an example of the images in my mind as I've studied the Doctrine and Covenants this year.

I'm not good at schedules or regimen. I'm terrible at exercising and even worse at ... well, anything that takes planning and discipline. Which is why it is no small thing for me to say that every Wednesday morning since the school year began, failing only due to sickness or dangerous weather, I've been attending a religion class. Which sounds really unremarkable, I know. Except that for the first time in my life, I have been making scripture study and meditation a regular part of my day. Oh, I've started and stopped and started up again, knowing it's important but never quite making it work every single day over a long period of time. But this time, wanting to be an active participant in class each week (and, let's be completely honest, wanting to sound smart during the discussion), it's stuck, and I'm already planning what I want to study this summer so that I don't fall behind in this daily ritual.

With a home and family to care for, there's not much time left for Mama, as we mamas all well know. And when there is time, I'll admit I'd rather spend it sewing or reading a good novel. My inclination to skip over the spiritual aspect of my life is a hard one to break. But I'll tell you this: One day, after a particularly busy morning, I finally had both kids in their rooms napping, and all the morning's messes beckoned. I started to pick up the toys when I thought that maybe I should just sit and study for a while. But oh! the mess! What was I going to do about the mess? After a few minutes of inward battle, I finally picked up my books and my journal and started to read. And when I was done, there wasn't any time to do much housework until the kids woke up. But here's the point: after making what was good for my soul a priority, the messes just didn't matter. I got to them eventually, and while I don't remember what the exact subject of my stud was, I'll never forget what I learned that day: that learning what's really important, and then doing it first, makes all the difference.

What is the one thing, beyond everything else, that's good for your soul?
How do you make time for it in your busy life?

1 comment:

  1. Love that lesson - do what is important, first. My morning quiet time is good for my soul. If I don't get up early, or if I rush through it, the rest of my day suffers. I make time for it by going to bed on time, prepping the coffee, and setting the alarm. All in the preparation!
