Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Whistle a Happy Tune*

When I saw the topic for this week, a line from this song immediately came to mind, so here it is for your listening enjoyment!

I think of all things, music is one of my biggest comforts. Driving home from Thanksgiving with my husband's family, we were listening to Weezer's first album (my husband's sister found a bunch of his old tapes in his room while she was cleaning recently, and oh it's been fun listening to them!) and my memories shot me right back to my high school bedroom and all the hours I spent there just listening to music. And then there was college insomnia, the only sure-fire cure was to sing myself to sleep. I don't even know how many times the hymns have helped me pull through some stressful situations. And when my babies were, well, babies, I learned that calming the baby is only half of the reason to sing lullabies - the music was calming to me, as well.

Oh, I have other things on my list: big fuzzy socks, my favorite pajamas, a cat in my lap, lots and lots of pillows, definitely hot cocoa - and they each have their time and place. But music is the anytime, anywhere, never fails, tried and true when I need some comfort.

How about you?

*Like Grover!

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