Monday, February 1, 2010

LOVE 146

Valentines Day is coming up and everyone is thinking about ways to show love for family and friends. I have a small project underway for Valentine decorating and special valentine treats to make for my family (which I am excited to blog about later this week). However, today I would like to give everyone an opportunity to experience a different invitation of love.

This morning while I was reading on Steady Mom, I found myself thinking about all the times when, in various situations, I have said to myself, "I wish there was something I could do..."

Well, this time I decided no more wishing, I am going to do something.

 The creator of Steady Mom, Jamie, amid her pursuit to become a professional and intentional mother, has taken on the challenge of becoming and advocate for children around the world who need real love from real people--people who care.

When you read the story, and please read it, you too will feel the need to share your love. The organization LOVE146 battles against a reality that I so often force out of my mind. It is a reality that so many of us can choose not to think about. And yet, as I read more, I can feel the love for my own children grow with desperate agony for these nameless and faceless children who are living lives devoid of all meaningful love.

We can do something. We can share our love. There are not many instances when I would say money equates to love. But in this case, it may just be the first step in rescuing a child from a world of pain and bringing them to a place where true love is a reality.

Join me, and join Jamie, in reaching out to children around the world who need everything and anything we can give.

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